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Plan Diet Option


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About the Plan - Details

Anti-inflammatory 176 plans utilize a patented endpoint blood test of 170 foods and chemicals.  

Our main goal is to change how much Inflammation the immune system produces thereby lowering your levels of inflammatory chemicals > this is all controlled with your diet where you will learn that foods are your medicine and best for you.  This is an individual patented blood test that shows us which 20-30 foods and or chemicals cause too much inflammatory release.

Over 80% of your immune system is in your small intestines through the white blood cells. However, the gut’s immune system decides which inflammatory chemicals will be released when you eat all foods.  Some foods cause more release of inflammatory chemicals than others. As many as 30 and there is a delayed response up to 72 hours. Here is where the chronic issues start to happen.  It’s a slow chronic process that starts out as a dietary issue and ends with dietary changes. 

We will change your diet 180 out from the normal; we will discover which foods are right for you now; changing your diet thru an elimination program utilizing the report of the blood test. 

With a guided menu planning system that is unique to you.

Julianne Koritz, MS, RD, LDN, CLT

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